Religious Education
The Division Religious Education team continues to focus our work around the Five Essential Marks of a Catholic School. For the 2023-2024 school year, our team will be enacting Year One of our Three Year Faith Plan - Knowing our Catholic Identity. The three year plan focuses on Mark 1 - Grounded in a Christian Anthropology. Mark 1 states: “An excellent Catholic school is driven by a mission which views all people with inherent dignity as children of God.” We are all made in the image of God; given talents and gifts to be shared to create a better tomorrow for all.
Three Year Division Faith Plan
The Growing in Faith, Growing in Christ Religious Education program continues to roll out with kindergarten being introduced in our schools this year. The Growing in Faith Growing in Christ curriculum resource is currently being implemented in Grades 1 through 8 with the kindergarten resources being released in 2023. This program is an excellent resource that provides students with a foundational knowledge of the teachings of Christ and the beliefs of the Catholic Church. As a team, we support teachers in reflecting the social teachings of the church and work together to offer a Catholic faith-infused curriculum. Our Religious Education representatives will work with the staff of their schools to continue building a faith-filled culture where Gospel values and Church teaching are incorporated into all subject areas.
Living Waters has created our own version of the Five Marks of a Catholic School Identity.
The Divisional religious education team has also created a companion website with resources to support the implementation of the Five Marks of a Catholic School Identity. Special thanks goes to Paul Tobin (teacher at Holy Redeemer High School) for taking the lead on this project.